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  • Writer's pictureIsabel

Date #38


Key Takeaways: If you have a puppy, you have an advantage


Name: Don, he's in advertising like Mad Men's Don Draper

Length of date: 1 hour 30 minutes

How the date was obtained: Bumble

Where: Our respective houses (it was a FaceTime date)

I don't think I say this enough, but I love you, guys. Last week, when I posted about things fizzling with Kelly, so many of you were quick to text me, DM me, email me, and best of all: set me up! Three people reached out and asked to match me with potential suitors; from Marina Del Rey to Malibu and all parts in between. I’ve also happened on this truth: while I keep searching for someone who cares about me, I found out that you all care about me and warms the cockles of my heart.

Your support is so nice because even though I flippantly stated, “I am going to pick myself up, dust myself off, and continue next week,” that’s a lot easier said than done. Sigh.

That being said, I did have a date this week and I have to say, I am intrigued. Not just because I met a nice, young, charming man. I also met a nice, young charming puppy. My date this week had a fluffy, four-month-old miniature Bernedoodle (Bernese Mountain Dog / Poodle mix). Awww.

Let me back it up. You remember with Date a Week LA, three-quarters of the guys I’ve dated have been people I already knew who reached out to me, or men my friends and family have fixed me up with. So, only one quarter have been men I’ve connected with on dating apps. It was on Hinge that I met Kelly, “Hinge, the dating app designed to be deleted,” that would’ve been nice. I’m also on The League, where my older sister met her very sweet boyfriend of over two years. Yay love!

One app I hadn’t tried was Bumble. My friends kept suggesting Bumble saying it was a platform they liked, and they’d found some matches. Here’s the Bumble spiel: Bumble has changed the way people date, find friends, and the perception of meeting online, for the better. Women make the first move. I decided I’d try it. I literally spent not more than 20 minutes uploading a basic dating profile including, 6 flattering pictures, 3 prompts, where I was from, what I did, etc. What happened next made my head spin. In the period of 30 minutes, I had over 150 men who’d liked my profile. Now I’m supposed to make the first move? Crazy, right? I know! I did a cursory sort: no fake leather coats, this is LA, guys. A whole bunch of tattoos? That’s a no for me dawg. And so on. Does it sound like a superficial sorting method? 100%. Anyway, I quickly eliminated the majority, then delved a bit deeper into some profiles, and finally reached out to a couple of people, including Don.

So, a few days later, Don and I had a FaceTime date, which is a great socially distant way to dip my toes back into dating new people. Once we started talking, there were things I immediably liked about Don: he's smiley, friendly, super easy to talk to and I’ll say he did make me laugh, which as you all know, is a big qualification. I also met Bernie his Bernedoodle. And my friends, Bernie is for sure one of the reasons that I will need to meet Don in person.

Overall Experience:


The future for us… I want to see more of Don. I don't know if there will be chemistry, but I will have to wait and find out!

Next Week: Don and I go to see live comedy... in my car! Stay tuned...


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