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July Update

29 dates down, 23 left – LOOK AT HER GO!!

Here are my 2020 dates by the numbers

Total number of miles driven: 125 miles

Total time spent on dates: 61 hours

Dates where I mentioned tortoises: 16 - 2 more than last month :/

After the Final Rose:

Date #26 – Rick:

This was my fifth date with Rick, the college athlete. Out of all the people I’ve dated, I feel as though I have the closest relationship with him. Rick and I have gotten to know each other over meals, walks, and Facetime. I have also had the pleasure to get to know his brother (and his brother’s girlfriend). I spent another day with Rick, his brother, and his brother’s girlfriend on a Duffy boat, which is a small, electric, open-aired boat. I love these boats btw - I spent my 20th, 21st, and my mom’s [undisclosed number]th birthday on them!

As I’ve written about my many dates with Rick, I feel that I have been candid about my attraction to him. I know that he knows about this blog and I have a feeling that he has read a couple of the posts, so he should know how I feel. And although he does continue to ask me out, when we’re together I don’t get much of a sense of his attraction to me. It’s true I haven’t been very forthcoming about my attraction in person. This also could be because we are all living under this COVID cloud, which makes any sort of physical connection difficult to gauge. By the way, it’s totally fine if he isn’t attracted to me – not everyone is (although my grandma thinks otherwise). Attraction aside, I would still love to spend more time with him because we have so much fun together, we get along, and time with him is relaxing because it has overtones of home.

Date #27 – Adam:

Adam, as you might remember, is the actor I went on a walk with to the La Brea Tar Pits. If you read about this date, you realized two things: Adam is an amazing guy who is an incredibly talented actor, and that the La Brea Tar Pits should be called the La Brea Tar Sh*ts because that place is garbage. Side note – my sister would like everyone to know that I’ve never paid to go into the Tar Pits Museums, which is one of LA’s top attractions (her words not mine), but I would like you to know that I stand by my opinion. After I wrote about our date, I checked in with Adam to ask how he felt about what I wrote and he said he “loved” it. I am glad he did because I value his opinion and our relationship. Also, Adam was helping me find a job so he is a rock star. To Adam: you are the best and I’m grateful for you.

Date #28 + Date #28 (his side) – I realized that I miswrote this date’s name and have now called him both Lewis and Clark because he went to Lewis and Clark College. So please consider Lewis and Clark from Date #28 the same person – because he is.

After my date with Lewis/Clark, the counselor/scholar, I asked him to write about his experience of going on a date with me and he agreed. He was the perfect person to write a post because he is equal parts eloquent, smart, and personable, which resulted in a post that makes me seem very smart and kind. So, to Lewis/Clark: anytime you want to write nice things about me – let me know and I will happily feature you on Date a Week LA again.

Also, after I posted about this date, I had someone reach out to me saying they had a female friend in her 40s that might want to go out with Lewis/Clark. So, I am in the process of setting them up. Yay for love and more blind dates!

Date #29 – Kelly:

Lastly, I went on a date with Kelly. You may remember that Kelly is a surfer, world traveler, jokester, and stud muffin; you also might remember that a bird pooped on him. Good times. After this date with Kelly, we arranged to go on a second date… then a third. So, on Sunday, I will be posting date #30 and #31; both of which will feature Kelly and hopefully no birds. I have to say that Kelly has me feeling all the feels: giddiness, anticipation, and nervousness. Needless to say, I am looking forward to these dates.


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