November was not only a big month for me because it was my second to last month of Date a Week LA, but it was also my birthday month! I’m 24, *itches!! This month is also momentous because a year ago I conceptualized Date a Week LA. My wheels started turning about how I could combine my love of writing with my desire to start dating, again… and here I am; one year later and 48 dates under my belt. And let me tell you, friends, it feels pretty good!
So, here is an update on my November dates.
First, my 2020 dates by the numbers
48 Dates down, 4 to go! Eekk!
Total number of miles driven: 463 miles
Total time spent on dates: 108 hours and 30 minutes
Dates where I mentioned tortoises: 22
If you remember, George, who went to Georgetown, was the writer who shared my sense of humor and love for Conan O’Brien. Our first date involved Mexican food and me sitting in an oil-ladened beach chair. I loved that we had a similar, quirky sense of humor, so we arranged a second date. This date should have been called “A Series of Unfortunate Events” instead of Date #46. I can’t get into details about this date because it stresses me out to even think about it. Needless to say, this date was all-around awkward and I think we could both feel it. George and I have texted a little bit back and forth, but I don’t see us getting together again.
Date #47 – Vinny
Now this date could have been titled: “A Series of Unfortunate Events: Part 2.” I walked up to not one, not two, but three men mistaking them for my Bumble date, Vinny. I had a long conversation with a Russian man outside of Laurel Hardware (the sceney, LA eatery) before he realized that I was not his date. The real Vinny emerged from his car fifteen minutes after he’d confirmed he had arrived, begging the question: why did he stay in his car? Was he just watching me as I searched for him? Weird. Anyway, he was from Long Island, not Russia. The date was lack-luster; he was nice, but not interesting and therefore not for me.
Date #48 - Nathan
My most recent date was with Nathan… and Ollie, his cute dog. They were both perfect gentlemen with wonderful demeanors. Anyone would be lucky to spend time with them. Yet, Nathan lives in Portland, which is 962 miles away from LA, making it a pretty tough commute. Nathan and I both agreed that the next time we are in the same city and the Dirty ‘Rona (coronavirus) is over, we will meet face-to-face instead of on facetime.
As I approach my final month of dating, I am feeling all the feelings. Extremely proud that I have stuck with this commitment, sad it will be coming to a close, relieved I will get a dating break, but mostly grateful. Grateful that I have all of you cheering me on! I am humbled by the support and hope that you have enjoyed this journey as much as I have. So, here I go! December dates: bring it on!